The Dangers of Common Toenail Issues

Made of the same tough keratin as the top layer of our skin, our nails are thickened extensions of these. Your nails grow out from the blood vessel and nerve-rich area below the skin and nail bed. Our toenails are frequently subjected to stress through stubbed toes, rubbing against shoes, and other daily movements which …

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The Stages of Toenail Fungus

One of the most common disorders of the foot is a fungal infection of the toenail, affecting about half of Americans by the age of 70. Fungus infections occur when and if microscopic fungi gain entry through a small trauma in the nail and when left untreated, can spread to other toenails—at times, even as …

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The Dangers of Ignoring Toenail Fungus

For the most part, nail fungal infections are generally not life-threatening, and because early signs and symptoms do not provide any type of discomfort, they are easily ignored or dismissed. Leaving nail fungus untreated for a long while, however, can often lead to serious health complications, as well as cause major foot and nail pain—not …

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Top Causes of Toenail Fungus

A nail fungus infection, also known as onychomycosis, is the most common nail disorder. But what causes nail fungus? Fungus is caused by fungi, which are tiny parasitic organisms that thrive in warm, moist environments and feed off of keratin, which is the main protein in your nails, hair and skin. Nail fungus causes overproduction …

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Top Myths About Toenail Fungus

One of the most common disorders of the foot is toenail fungus. Fungus infections occur when microscopic fungi enter through a small trauma in the nail. The fungus then grows inside warm and moist environments, such as socks and shoes. If left untreated, fungal infections can spread to other toenails and even skin. Many people …

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How the CoolTouch Laser Alleviates Toenail Fungus

Although toenail fungus affects millions of people around the world, all too many topical and oral treatments have proven to be ineffective, short-lasting, and not at all comparable to something as novel the Cool Touch Toenail Laser treatment– a super powerful laser beam targeting infections only and causing no ill effects on surrounding healthy tissue. …

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Toenail Laser Treatment: Risks and Benefits

There are many ways to go about treating a toenail fungus infection. You may have heard of different prescribed oral medications, natural remedies, ointments, and creams. These all may prove to be perfectly effective solutions to an infection, however toenail laser treatment is an alternative that many people might not even know exist. If other …

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Best Toenail Fungus Treatment Options

If you have been plagued with the unfortunate nuisance of a toenail fungal infection, you’re no stranger to the unsightly and sometimes very painful effects. A quick internet search will turn up a bunch of “cures”, but what is the best toenail fungus treatment? Fungi can be tough to avoid and come with several undesirable …

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Top 10 Toenail Fungus Symptoms & Signs

While it’s not a fun conversation-starter at parties, toenail fungus must be talked about to properly understand. Nail fungus is a relatively common infection that can be caused by fungi invading underneath your toenail. Small cuts in the skin around your nail or the small opening between your nail and nail bed are both places …

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